What We Treat

This clinic has addressed a breadth of different health concerns over time; listed on this page are just some examples of the conditions that we have experience with and a history of success in treating.
Infertility and IVF/IUI Support
Traditional Chinese Medicine is known to be an effective, noninvasive, and comparatively inexpensive treatment option for addressing infertility issues. Functional infertility concerns, which may be triggered by hormonal imbalances, endocrine gland disorders, and emotional concerns, can be treated with a combination of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and dietary medications. Chinese medicine can similarly support the treatment of structural infertility problems, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, vaginitis, ovary dysfunction, and immunity-related infertility. Those with anovulation, difficulties with implantation, or frequent miscarriages would be encouraged to consider Chinese medicine.​
Acupuncture works by enhancing the blood circulation to the pelvic region and broadly benefitting vital organ function. Chinese herbal formulas tonify (i.e. restore) what we call kidney energy in Chinese medicine — referring to renal and adrenal function — which can contribute to the production of a healthy ovum. A common treatment plan involves first focusing on menstrual cycle regulation, and then working on increasing the probability of a full-term pregnancy once conception has occurred. Acupuncture has also been seen to be an effective adjacent treatment for IVF and IUI procedures as it can increase uterine blood flow and thus increase the chances of pregnancy.
Acupuncture treatment can help:
Improve sperm count, shape,
and mobility​ -
Prevent miscarriage
Manage emotional stress
Reduce FSH levels
Regulate periods
Induce ovulation
Improve egg quality​

Pain Management
Needling specific acupuncture points can stimulate the body so that it produces and releases endorphins. In this system, steroids decrease inflammation, while endorphins work to inhibit pain.
When I practiced medicine in China, we did not immediately turn to synthetic painkillers for pain management cases; instead, acupuncture and herbal medicine were the first options because of how treatment can be more personalized to each patient and exclude unwanted side effects.
Acupuncture is useful in cases of both chronic and acute pain. It can be an adjunct therapy to treat:​
Joint pain
Back/neck pain
Degenerative discs
Myofascial pain
Tennis elbow​
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Migraines and headaches
Menstrual cramps
Sports/work/auto injuries
Postoperative pain​
Sexual and Reproductive Health Concerns
Asides from addressing issues specific to fertility, Chinese medicine has also been successful in tackling sexual and reproductive wellness concerns more broadly. These include:
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
Yeast Infections
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Premenstrual Syndrome​
By supporting the functions of the endocrine and immune systems, Chinese medicine has been seen to be especially effective in managing the effects of menopause, which include hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, fatigue, mood swings, memory loss, vaginal dryness, headaches, joint pain, and weight gain. Acupuncture and herbal therapy offer a different approach to alleviating menopausal symptoms than Hormone Therapy, which was historically the go-to course of treatment before research demonstrated that it was associated with adverse health effects, such as breast cancer or blood clots, and thus not an ideal fit for those at risk to those effects.

Digestive Disorders
Common concerns that we see include:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Stomach pains
Respiratory Issues
Chinese medicine can address problems related to the sinus, as well as allergies and asthma.
Academic reviews of acupuncture's efficacy in treating asthma have noted improvements in lung function, airway resistance, exercise capacity, and immunological status.

Mental Health Concerns
Common concerns that we see include:
Note: if you or someone you know is in a mental health crisis, please consider these resources (localized to Sarnia-Lambton).
Skin Problems
Common concerns that we treat with internal and external herbal therapy, as well as acupuncture, include:
Different types of dermatisis
Drug rashes

Other Concerns
Other common concerns that we see include:
Disorders of the immune system
Smoking cessation
Different musculoskeletal disorders
Chinese medicine is also effective in supporting:
Post-stroke recovery
Post-surgical recovery
Cancer treatment, including the mitigation of the effects of chemotherapy and radiation
Weight control